Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Finding motivation despite a million excuses not to

I'm clearly not an expert in finding motivation despite life happening around me. To provide a perfect example of this, I've started this blog to note my progress on the ukulele and to possibly help others learn how to play along with me. My last post was May, 2013. It's currently October.

So how do we pursue our hobbies in a way that doesn't get blocked out by life's happenings?

I don't know, but I have a few ideas.

1. Set a goal. When we work toward something, we are more likely to commit to pursuing it on a regular basis.  There are millions of articles on goal setting, so this is a summary of items that resonated with me:
  • Be specific yet realistic: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Is it possible? Do you want to play songs for your friends, or do you want to sell a million records of ukulele solos? One is much more attainable than the other.
  • Set a timeline: what do you want to be able to do and by when? How are you going to accomplish that and how often will you need to work on this before you reach that goal.
  • Accountability: Who is going to keep you accountable? Are you going to tell your friends about it? Are you going to post it on the interweb and have millions of people inevitably both cheer you on and discourage your efforts in order to prove you can accomplish the goals you set out to achieve?
2. Once you have a goal set, the best way to pursue it is to make a daily habit of it. I'm specifically talking about the ukulele here, so the nice thing about it is it's 1) highly portable and 2) addicting and easy to play. With a goal in mind, you're going to be more likely to make a habit of playing on a regular basis. But this leads to the biggest obstacle of all.

3. Always seek improvement. As a musician, I've dabbled at guitar, bass, drums, piano and ukulele throughout my adult life. I've been described as bi-polar in these pursuits because it seems to be all-or-nothing. I decide I'm going to get better and then I go crazy and practice all the time and people get annoyed quickly with these excessive efforts. But the only way you are going to get better at any level is to decide to get better and put forth the effort to do so. If you can make a more consistent effort of improvement, and a habit to be constantly learning, then you don't have to worry about such incidents where you constantly annoy the people around you who like to hear you "play" but do not enjoy listening to you "practice". A big difference between the two.

My goal is to start posting more tutorials in the near future because that's something I genuinely enjoy, and I think there are people out there who benefit from it. Pretty fun. This post was really just to get me thinking and motivated to begin posting stuff again. I hope to post stuff soon!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ukulele tutorial: Amazing Grace

A campfire song we can all hum along to; Amazing Grace. I have put together a quick tutorial of how to play this song. Enjoy!

Ukulele tutorial - Taking Back Sunday's "Cute without the E"

Here is a tutorial of how to play Cute Without The 'E' (Cut From The Team) by Taking Back Sunday on the ukulele.

This was requested by someone, and was not a song I would have pictured to be popular on the ukulele, but who can argue? I mean, in many ways the song can carry more meaning from the uke because it's quieter, and a little more, oh what would be the best word? Intimate? Passive-aggressive? Rather than in your face rock-n-roll!!

Whatever the case may be, here is my tutorial:

Many of my lessons reference a variety of ukulele chords. You can get a grasp of all of them here: Hal Leonard Ukulele Chord Find (Google Affiliate Ad)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Back to that familiar place

I fall under the sad and lonely position many solo musicians encounter; we have no one to play with.

Insert sad face.

The biggest problem you have when there's no one to play with, is you, or at least I, tend to just play the same things over and over and over again. Though it really fine tunes what I can play, it doesn't challenge me to learn the way playing with others does.

I've mentioned this before, but the best option for folks who don't have anyone to play with is to find tutorials and suggestions and so on online. And that's the part where I'm back to that familiar place; I don't have the accountability or energy to think of what to play next.

I'm always looking for song suggestions, but I tend to do much better when other people suggest songs I should learn how to play. Maybe I never will, but there's a certain accountability that way.

Long story short, does anyone have any song suggestions, or songs you want to learn? Let's learn together!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ukulele tutorial - Escape (Pina Colada song)

I recently got a request for the Pina Colada song or "Escape" as people seem to prefer to call it. When I first heard this song, I couldn't help picturing a guy with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, greasy hair, polyester suit, and . . . well, I don't know. Picture musician in a dive bar in 1979. 

Me = judgmental. 

Guess what, I'm right. Guess what, in 30 years, I'll be the creeper. 

Here is a quick tutorial of a SUPER EASY way to play this song. There is a complicated way, but guess what, it's a silly way to play the song. No offense to the talented musicians out there, but it is super unnecessary to play it more complicated than the two chord progression. Um, doy. A number one song gets its place through lyrics alone; the solo is what musicians get a charlie for. It's science.

Let me know if this is helpful to anyone interested.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ukulele Tutorial: Neon Trees "Everybody Talks"

I consider myself to be a mainstream, pop-punk listener. I feel that I should have shame in mentioning this, because the whole reason to like punk music is to be counter-cultural, against all authority, etcetera, etcetera. Popular punk is an oxy-moron. It's true.

Spoiler alert, I'm a pop-punk fan. The fact is, I like music that's rockin', but I also like music that follows a formula, has good singers, etc, and today's song definitely fits that mold. 

Neon Trees is a fun band; their songs are great, they have a lot of character and I'm going to be honest, I've got a thing for female drummers. She is fantastic.

Today's song tutorial is "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees, although everyone probably recognizes this song from "...It started with a whisper!!!" 

Take a look at the tutorial video.

Structure of the song:

Count is 4/4, which means that a bar is four counts (yeah, like that makes sense). I will describe a bar as |----|. So if I say |D---|, that means play D for one bar. Simple. D for two bars is |D---|----|.

Strum pattern: up, down/up, chuck, up, down/up, chuck. Down strums are on the odd count (1 and 3) and up strums are on the even count (2 and 4). If this is too complicated, stick to a shuffle strum: down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up.

Intro: |D---|D---|D---|----| for 3 bars, then hold for one bar.

Verse: D 2 bars, G 2 bars; repeat three times. A for three bars then hold one bar.


Second verse: Same as first, only two rounds of D and G.



Solo:  Hold D for 8 bars.

Third verse:


Outro: (everybody talks, everybody talks)


I'm confident this makes no sense. I'm also confident if you're in my brain, it does. Good luck and hope this helps!

Side note: this follows a very common song formula, not only in the progression, but the entire formula of the song. If you figure out how these chords interact, you'll conquer many, many songs out there.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fun Ukulele turnaround

Here is a quick tutorial for a fun blues turnaround. I show you how to play A7, D7 and E7. It's a twelve bar turnaround:

|A7---|----|----|----|              (four bars of A7, each bar is four counts)
|D7---|----|A7---|----|          (two bars D7, two bars A7)
|E7---|D7---|A7---|E7---|    (one bar E7, one bar D7, one bar A7, back to one bar E7)




As always, keep practicing, and get into playing. For a comprehensive list of chords, tips, tricks, techniques, etc, I recommend Ukulele For Dummies. Check it out.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to learn the 'ukulele for free

I found myself wanting an 'ukulele about one year ago. I needed one. I desperately wanted to find one, and learn how to play it, and made plans to get one, and tour the world with it.

The day came when I bought one. My approach was simple: I wanted an instrument around $100 because that's what I could afford. I didn't want a toy, which cost anywhere between $25-$60. I couldn't afford, nor would I be guaranteed to like the instrument if I paid more than $250. I ended up spending $99 on my Cordoba concert ukulele, and it met all expectations I could have possibly had, which were honestly quite low at the time. I literally shopped for it while carrying my sleeping child, and bought it without strumming it. I'm still amazed that I bought a decent uke with the amount of effort I put into it.

The big kicker though was that I didn't have money leftover to pay for lessons. Being how I was obsessed with something and could only afford $99, I wasn't about to spend another dime on someone teaching me how to play it.

Let me be clear, if you want to learn the ukulele, or any instrument, take lessons. You'll learn tips, tricks, techniques, songs, theory, etc. in a fraction of the time and effort. This post is more for organic learning, teaching yourselfers, who don't have two nickels to rub together, yet have access to the internet.

The good news is that we live in the age of information. The internet can be used as a tool. I didn't know this until I started using it to learn, and lo and behold, it was there to teach me.

Let's start with online instructors. If you want to learn the ukulele, go to YouTube, and find Ukulele Mike. He is hands down the best ukulele instructor on YouTube. He has tons and tons of videos for FREE that teach you strumming, theory, songs, songs, songs, and more songs. His videos are great because he does play/sing alongs with the chords, which helps anyone who is trying to learn.

It's easy to get your fill of Mike though, so look for other instructors on YouTube. I like Ukulele Underground, and Hawaiian Music Supply, but there are many more, each catering to the likes of YOU, a viewer interested in learning the uke. You are, of course, allowed to be picky. Find the instructors that are right for you, and subscribe to them. Simple enough. You get weekly emails telling you what's new on your channel. Pretty cool.

Next, you're going to want to learn theory, different chords, different techniques, etc. You're best resource for any kind of ukulele information is It's the best. Truly. There's other great sites, but this is the best place to start. There you will find instructions on reading music, tablature, songs, technique, and all sorts of stuff in between. There are plenty of resources on the website that are FREE, so go for it!

Do you like books? Do you feel you would learn from a book on how to play the ukulele? Go to your local library! Who goes to the library anymore, right? Seriously, I hadn't been to one in years. But I went, and they let you borrow books for FREE!! What a crazy concept. I recently checked out "Learn to Play the Ukulele: A simple and fun guide for complete beginners." The book has a CD in it, so you can listen to the instructors be nerds and teach you strumming technique, blues progressions, and a variety of songs to play. Super fun! This isn't the only book you'll find at the library though, so go and check it out. You might find something even more amazing.

The thing is, you have to practice if you want to get better. The beauty of the ukulele is that it's light, portable, and at least mine is surprisingly hardy. My two year old plays with it, I drop it on the floor, it takes a beating every day. But it's out, and played every day. Use the tools available to you to get ideas of where to go, but then practice on your own whenever you have a minute.

And that is my expert advice, because I'm obviously an expert on not spending a dime to learn something important to me. The stuff I have on my blog is free, too. See what I have available and let me know what you want to learn!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Daily ukulele

Greetings to the ukulele players of the world. I recently came across this deal: The Daily Ukulele - 365 Songs for Better Living- Ukulele Songbook is on sale for about $25 on Amazon right now (normally $35).

I've heard that this book is fantastic because it can be used as a textbook for an ukulele class. You can get together with a group, and do a new song every time you meet. Even if you met every day and learned one song, you wouldn't have to repeat anything for an entire year. That's pretty rockin' bad.

So anyways, I was curious to know if anyone out there has used this book, and whether it was worth it. I'm going to dig into my piggy bank to acquire it, and then try and set up a ukulele class.

Does that sound crazy? Probably. I'm aware of how crazy that sounds.

Anyone ever done anything like this? I'd love to know what tips and tricks are out there to set this kind of thing up.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ukulele Tutorial - Leaving on a Jetplane

I think if you are going to learn an acoustic instrument like a guitar or ukulele, "Leaving On A Jet Plane" is a must know song. Maybe I'm crazy, and was brought up in a folk song-singing family (which I was and likely am), but it just seems to be common knowledge.

I attempt to show you how to play this song in the key of C as well as G. That gives you a little variety in how to sing at your own pitch, as well as get a grasp of how some chords interact with each other (C,F,G versus G,C,D).

Ukulele Tutorial - Del Shannon "Hats off to Larry"

Who has even heard of "Hats Off To Larry "? It was popular a long time ago, and is not so much now. But it's a super fun song to play and sing, so you're welcome.

Of course, Del Shannon was better known for his song "Runaway", but this one is pretty good too. The message is rather bitter, but sometimes that's how break-ups feel.

To play along with the actual song, a capo is necessary on the second fret. But for my own purposes, I don't worry about it.

Am           G
Once I had a pretty girl,
    F               E
her name it doesn't matter
    Am              G
She went away with another guy,
F                      E
now he won't even look at her


A                  C#m
Hats off to Larry, he broke your heart
D                                  Dm
Just like you broke mine, when you said we must part
A           A7             D            Dm
He told you lies, now it's your turn to cry cry cry
A              E               A  D A E
Now that Larry said goodbye to you

I know this may sound strange
I want you back, I think you'll change
G                             C   E
But there's one thing I gotta say

A                     C#m
Hats off to Larry, it may sound cruel
D                               Dm
But you laughed at me, when you said we were through
A           A7             D            Dm
You told me lies, now it's your turn to cry cry cry
A              E               A  D A E
Now that Larry said goodbye to you

Am G F E  Am G F E

A                     C#m
Hats off to Larry, it may sound cruel
D                               Dm
But you laughed at me, when you said we were through
A           A7             D            Dm
You told me lies, now it's your turn to cry cry cry
A              E               A  D A E      A
Now that Larry said goodbye to you. . . . to you

Ukulele Tutorial - "Wagon Wheel" by Old Crow Medicine Show

Here is a quick tutorial of "Wagon Wheel " by Old Crow Medicine Show. A great song for beginners, and a fantastic song for an acoustic instrument. And though it isn't the world we live in, I always like to encourage folks to support your artists and buy their music. Okay that's all.

If you want to play consistently with the song, you'll need a capo on the second fret. However, I don't think it's that necessary.

Should you prefer to sing in a different key, you can use the progression C, G, A minor, F


G                        D
Headed down south to the land of the pines
        Em                   C
And I'm thumbin' my way into North Caroline
Starin' up the road
            D         C
And pray to God I see headlights

  G                         D
I made it down the coast in seventeen hours
Em                      C
Pickin' me a bouquet of dogwood flowers
And I'm a hopin' for Raleigh
      D             C
I can see my baby tonight

   G                   D
So rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Em              C
Rock me mama anyway you feel
G   D     C
Hey, mama rock me
G                     D
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Em                  C
Rock me mama like a south-bound train
G   D     C
Hey, mama rock me

G, D, Em, C
G, D, C

G                     D
Runnin' from the cold up in New England
      Em                         C
I was born to be a fiddler in an old-time stringband
My baby plays the guitar
D              C
I pick a banjo now

        G                            D
Oh, the North country winters keep a gettin' me now
        Em                       C
Lost my money playin' poker so I had to up and leave
But I ain't a turnin' back
   D                    C
To livin' that old life no more

   G                   D
So rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Em              C
Rock me mama anyway you feel
G   D     C
Hey, mama rock me
G                     D
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Em                  C
Rock me mama like a south-bound train
G   D     C
Hey, mama rock me

G, D, Em, C
G, D, C   2x

G                    D
Walkin' to the south out of Roanoke
I caught a trucker out of Philly
Had a nice long toke
    G                           D
But he's a headed west from the Cumberland Gap
To Johnson City, Tennessee

      G                   D
And I gotta get a move on fit for the sun
I hear my baby callin' my name
And I know that she's the only one
And if I die in Raleigh
   D                C
At least I will die free

   G                   D
So rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Em              C
Rock me mama anyway you feel
G   D     C
Hey, mama rock me
G                     D
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Em                  C
Rock me mama like a south-bound train
G   D     C           G
Hey, mama rock me

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New year reso-uke-tions

I can't help the corny title. I'm a corny kind of guy. Speaking of, with the start of a new year, it is hard to not get caught up in reflecting on the past year, as well as think about things we want to accomplish in the coming one. Especially considering the apocalypse came and went without too much of an actual apocalypse, I'd say there's no better time to hone in on the things that will make us happy, inside and out.

Of course I'm leading up to playing the ukulele. If you want to take your aggression out on an instrument, maybe drums or a trombone will get you there. But if you want to find inner piece, and elevate your surroundings to the oasis in your mind, pick up a ukulele.

But what then? We all only know what we only know, so how do we break through the plateau we constantly find ourselves on when we are trying to learn something new. I for one feel like I can always improve, but I don't. I sit at the same playing level for a really long time, and then I get together with someone, learn something new, and my skill level jumps all of a sudden. So how do we propagate those jumps in skill level? I mean honestly, my inner circle of friends like music, but we rarely play music together. I don't go out and play for people, or attend meet-ups, or take any sort of action to socialize and improve my musical skills.

The answer is simple: get off your lazy duff and do those things listed. Meet people. Reach out to your surrounding community. Look online for ukulele jam sessions, open mic nights, etc. This will give you a flavor of other people's skill levels, it will help enhance your social skills, and push your own limits.

Meanwhile, when you're at home and wondering how to improve, search for lessons and tutorials online,  get a book (I personally like Ukulele For Dummies even though it makes me feel silly walking around with it, it's actually really helpful), listen to new music, and make sure you take time to practice playing the thing. I like to comment that the ukulele is highly portable, and therefore you don't have a good excuse not to carry it around everywhere you go.

These are my own personal thoughts, but I like to think that if I think this way, maybe there are folks out there in a similar train of thought. Happy new year to all! I hope to see you out strumming.