Monday, December 31, 2012

Ukulele tutorial - "1234" by Plain White T's

Here is a tutorial of a great song by the Plain White T's, a band I have a great respect for. The song: "1234". Fantastic. Click the link for a walkthrough of how to play it.

I always like to advocate for the artist in these cases. They are the ones who bring us the magic, and if you like what I've played, you'll much prefer what the Plain White T's have created. Buy their music!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The best way to learn how to play

Taking on the challenge of learning how to play an instrument can be daunting. There is so much to learn. There is so little time to practice. There are so many people better than you and people who spend their entire lives devoted to perfecting the instrument that you don't even know how to tune or hold correctly.

In my opinion, the first, and most important step in learning how to play an instrument is to put it down, and grab a pencil and piece of paper. This doesn't work on a computer screen; you must write it down and see what you wrote. Also, be completely honest. This isn't something you need to broadcast to the world. You should answer these for your own benefit alone. If you decide to share this with anyone, it will create a sense of accountability, but that is your own decision. Answer the following questions:

1) Why do I want to learn how to play this instrument? You can answer any way you choose. For example, I wanted to learn the guitar when I was 15 because I wanted to impress girls. True story. Later on, I wanted to learn the ukulele because I loved the way it sounded and wanted to understand how it works, and I want to be a great ukulele player.

2) What are my favorite styles of music? This question is important because even if you listen to "all styles of music," few people really enjoy ALL styles of music. Pick your top two or three genres, naming your favorite artists, favorite songs, etc. This question is so important because you're going to improve when you hear that your playing is consistent with what you listen to. Also, using the ukulele as an example, I felt pressured to play more "Hawaiian sounding" music until I realized that you can play any style with it. It has it's distinct sound, but doesn't limit you to a genre.

3) How will I meet my musical aspirations? This is a really tough question to ask yourself because your aspirations may be broad, and you don't know what it will take to "conquer the world with your axe!" But let me assure you that the best and brightest and most gifted musicians are the ones who put in hours upon hours of practice. Make a plan to practice, or learn a new song every day, or sign up to take lessons. Maybe you have a friend learning an instrument that you should plan jam sessions with, or however else you want to improve, write down some ideas on how you will learn. Try to recognize your own learning style and make plans to learn THAT way. You're more likely to learn and succeed if you take the initiative to do it yourself, rather than someone forcing you to do it against your will.

By sitting down and thinking about why you are trying to learn to play, it will help you navigate the road to becoming as good as you want to be. These questions will apply at all levels of learning an instrument, even if you're a rock star, or jazz musician, it's always nice to figure out why you want what you want, and where you still want to go.

All that said, when you buy your ukulele, it's always nice to get the entire package to get you started, included lessons, tuners, CDs, etc. You're less in the dark when you have a direction to go.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ukulele tutorial - "You and I" by Ingred Michaelson

I put together a tutorial for the song "You and I" by Ingred Michaelson. It has an easy verse progression, but is a little more challenging in the chorus, making it a slightly harder song for beginners. Give it a try though.

Have you not heard this song? You can get it here.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ukulele tutorial - I will follow you into the dark - Death Cab for Cutie

I heard this song several times, then decided to learn it.

So I actually listened to it and got a little misty eyed.  Silly boy. Super awesome song though. It's actually a really common progression, but in a less common key. I hope this video is helpful to those learning to play it.

Ukulele Tutorial for "I Won't Give up" - Jason Mraz

This song is fantastic, and a great one to learn! I definitely stuck to a basic way of playing it (adjustments need to be made in order to play along with the actual song), but the chords are meant for a beginner player.

I also like that this song is a three count, which are not common amongst popular music. 

The third thing that stood out to me with this song is it has a chord hold until you start singing. That doesn't always happen. In other words, you can play the same chord until you start singing, and then the progression will begin. This is a fun thing to take note of because you can direct the song yourself, rather than have the progression push you through it. I dunno, it's hard to explain. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Identifying notes on your fretboard

As mentioned in the video, this isn't exactly something people are dying to know, but it will help you in the long wrong to at least get an idea of where your notes on on the fretboard.

Write this down:

A   BC   D    EF    G
D   EF
G   A     BC
      D     EF
      G     A    BC
              D    EF

This looks confusing, but it helps me remember.

Always remember that A, D and G notes have a full step between them and the next note. In other words, they have both a flat and a sharp.

B and C as well as E and F are always together, or a half step. B has a flat, and C has a sharp. E has a flat and F has a sharp.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Unlocking the shuffle strum

I wanted to break down a few options you have while working on the shuffle strum. This is the strum most folks will use when learning the ukulele, and you have no excuse not to learn it. Once you get it, it all gets easier. But maybe it doesn't. 

Beginner version of Jingle Bell Rock on the ukulele

Jingle bell rock! An iconic song played again, again and again during the holiday season. If you're an accomplished player, this song should not give you any trouble, but for a beginner, it can be a little daunting. I tried to make my tutorial a little easier to grasp for a beginner. 

Have fun with it. Once you start getting it, look up harder ways to play the song! Or maybe ask me how to play it the fancy dance way, and I'll help you out!

Until next time.