Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tuning your ukulele, and the best way to do it

I have probably mentioned this before, but it needs to be reiterated constantly. If your ukulele is out of tune, it sounds absolutely dreadful. You might not know this, but I bet you do! There is a very fine balance between a perfectly in-tune ukulele and a slightly off key one. The problem is, if it doesn't sound right, you're going to think you aren't very good, get discouraged, quit, and then I won't have anyone reading my blog anymore.

Assuming anyone reads this.

Also assuming anyone would be so rash as to give up playing the ukulele. Silly Spoon.

Tuning is the essential beginner function, important way beyond any other fundamental you'll ever learn because you HAVE TO HAVE A TUNED ukulele.

Click to buy!
There are a number of ways to get in tune, but my highest recommendation is a tuner that you can carry with you anywhere you go, like a clip on tuner seen here. This will give you a perfectly tuned uke every time. G, C, E and A.

But let's say you don't want to get the fancy thing, there are other ways. Do you have a piano? Do you know the notes on your piano? Find middle C, G, E and A. Simple enough. Play the note, get your strings to sound the same.

Tuning fork? That's complicated, but quite doable.

If you have a smart phone, there are many different tuners out there that will mimic the sound (kind of like tuning with a piano), but not as good as something that will dial in the actual note you're playing (like the clip on tuner I mentioned - the Lanikai CO-UT Clip-on Ukulele Electronic Tuner).

So there you have it. The best way to tune your ukulele is to have a tuner. I said it. I'll post a video of how I like to tune my ukulele.

That's all for now.

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